Sunday, October 3, 2010


Social media, video, and other trends are changing the way we do PR and advertising. Public Relations and advertising in London is no different.
T-mobile created a "Life's for Sharing" campaign, where they got a large group of people to sing together and flashmob in the middle of a train station. And where did these occur? London.
I first saw the videos in my Advanced PR Media class.
In the first video, microphones were given out to people in Trafalgar Square, while giant screens showed the lyrics to "Hey Jude" by The Beatles. People of different gender, race, age, background, and so on came together to sing while life went on around them. Double Decker buses drove by, bicycles passed, and people got on their cell phones to share the moment. T-Mobile's name got out. Check out the video:

T-Mobile Sing-along

In the second video, T-Mobile got a group of people together to do a flashmob, a spontaneous choreographed dance, in the middle of Liverpool Street Station. This video alone has more than 23 million hits on YouTube.

The T-Mobile Dance

With a little time and a lot of inspiration from what T-Mobile did in London, my Advanced PR Media class created our own flashmob. As soon as we have the video I'll post.
The PR/Advertising by T-mobile impacted London. When watching that video, you recognize the surroundings and can later pick them out. Because I had gone to London before I saw the campaign videos in class, I immediately could connect with where thousands of people sang "Hey Jude" in unison. For people that see the video first, they might go by the National Gallery, see the architecture, stairs, and other statutes around it and think, "I've seen this on YouTube- it's where they filmed the T-mobile campaign!" It's like seeing some place you've been on television- it gets more exciting because you can connect with it and share your experience there with others.
After all, Life is for sharing.
Share it in London like T-Mobile did.

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